Monday, November 10, 2008

Apple field trip

We went to the DOMAIN shopping center today for the APPLE field trip.

What a generous company! I had no idea that their stores offer FREE field trips for area schools. They turn their stores into computer labs for students, and assist with creating projects.
The kids were invited to bring their own CD of pictures so that they could personalize their movies. For a whole hour, we got to use their top-of-the-line Mac computers. Afterwards, we got to bring our projects home on CD. Our home school group...

Apple Computer's also provided the kids with free t-shirts. We learned a lot today and we really appreciated the store's generosity. Nice computers too!

Afterwards, we browsed the shopping center...

Enjoying a mocha and vanilla bean frappachino at Starbucks!

We could have browsed all day at the Border's bookstore...


  1. Looks like fun!!!


  2. After reading the title I thought you went to the Apple Orchard!

    That mall looks so nice, I would have loved going there even though I do not like going to malls.

  3. LOL I too was expecting apples and even looked closely at the tree to see if it was decorated with apples :)
    What a fun trip you had and that mall sure looks like a nice place to visit.

  4. Actually, when the email went out we were going to the APPLE STORE for a field trip, some thought we WERE gong to an orchard!

  5. What a fun day! I really wish we had a good home-school group around here...

    BTW I have something for you on my blog! :)
