Sunday, November 9, 2008


Take a beef brisket (with fat) and place in a foil roasting pan, season with garlic, salt, pepper, 1 can of Rotel, and 2 beers. Marinate overnight.

Fire up grill until coals are white.

Cover roasting pan with foil and close lid to grill.
Smoke & simmer for 6-7 hours, or until Brisket is tender and can be sliced with a fork.

In about 3-4 hours, carefully turn brisket over. Add another beer if needed for moisture.

After pulling off brisket, don't waste those hot coals -- add beef Kielbasa sausages.

For potato salad: Peel (8-10 medium sized potatoes) and cut into halves -- boil till tender. Drain...
While potatoes are boiling, boil eggs (as many as you like)

Chop (as much as you like) onions, pickles and the hardboiled eggs...
In a saucepan, combine at least 1 to 2 cups of mayo, and heavily salt and pepper. Add only enough mustard to lightly change the color. Stir on med low heat until bubbly...
Sauce is ready when it slides easily around the pan without sticking.

Pour hot mixture over potatoes and chopped ingredients...

Mix, but do not whip. This potato salad tastes better chunky.
Serve with your favorite side dishes. The best part of all, you'll have enough food for LEFTOVERS!


  1. Oh my that looks good.. it's one of my favorite meals.
    Boo Hoo all I had for dinner was soup and sand's :(

  2. I wish we had time to fire up the grill while you were down visiting! There was so much leftovers, that I won't have to cook lunch or dinner tomorrow! Whoohoo!

  3. mmmm looks like a really good dinner. I love it when there are leftovers.

  4. Yum, except for the onions in the potato salad all looks so good!

  5. I'm hungry now! Funny, I make a potato salad very similar to that with the eggs, pickles, mayo & onions but it's served cold. It was one of the first recipes my husband requested that his Mom always made. They consider it Southern style because I slice the eggs and just layer them rather than mixing it all.

  6. That potato salad looks yummy!!!!! printing that recipe out...yum... :)

  7. You know Texas Mom, that looks really good. I don't think that I've ever had any of that before except for the sausages. Wait maybe I've had the brisket before but many years ago ( I just vaguely remember) when I was just a little girl. Perhaps I've only had it one or two times in my life. I've had/made potato salad before but it's served cold and without the pickles. I'm going to learn alot from you! :o)
    I love making big meals so that the next day I don't have to cook ... that's the best!
