Sunday, May 11, 2008

Sunday's Festivities

We spent the first part of our Sunday at the Dell Jewish Community Center, celebrating Israel's 6oth birthday-- music, food, belly dancing, etc.

Pictured above is a friend of mine--- Valerie and her kids, who volunteers with me at the farm. They were having too much fun in the pool of grapes. I didn't feel brave enough to kick off my shoes... But I did sample some wine.

Pamela, enjoying the petting zoo...

That's Pamela, rock climbing... If only she would bottle up some of that energy and share with me..

We bumped into some old friends, and shopped. I purchased some neat Holy Land playing cards. I also signed up for more information on the Austin community wide trip to Israel. We haven't ditched our earlier plans to travel the middle east. Still dreaming and saving --- granted the economy holds! After the festivities, we decided to head down the road to Bull Creek and have a picnic lunch.

This is a greenbelt off of Texas Capital Highway that we used to visit frequently with the kids when we first moved to Austin. Some refer to this creek as a DOG PARK, as everyone brings their dogs to run loose and swim. There's signs all over the place to keep the dogs on a leash, but nobody pays any attention. I guess if we owned a pooch, we'd be here all the time. A great place to walk the creek and enjoy the greenbelt of Austin.

Uncle Mike, wading...

If you look closely, you can see a guy hanging from a rope, swinging across the creek...

The weather was perfect - around 85 degrees - BEAUTIFUL DAY... We had our picnic after we hiked around the area. Afterwards, some of us caved into temptation and went to Starbucks for a frappuccino...

***My husband told me that one of his closest friends had noticed that I had mentioned Haight Ashbury in a previous blog and had wondered if I had actually ever been there before. The answer is YES ---- I used to be stationed in San Francisco!!! =)

1 comment:

  1. Another beautiful trip for you guys. I'm jealous ;)
