Saturday, May 10, 2008

Hang'n Around Town...

We decided to go to the shooting range today. If you're ever in the Austin area, Eagle Peak Shooting Range has the best prices around - $10 lifetime membership and you can target practice ALL DAY LONG for only $10. We purchased our own earplugs/safety glasses and practiced at the pistol and rifle/shotgun range. Pamela, myself, Alan, his brother (Uncle Mike) and Nathan spent about 3 hours at the range today. Don't bring your kids unless you plan to have them target practice as well. Only participants allowed on the range.

Afterwards, we decided to head into downtown Austin and eat at Austin's well-known burger joint--Fran's Hamburgers. Juicy, drip down your chin burgers and to-die-for onion rings...

Nathan, tailgating in his red pick-up truck.

Going North on Congress avenue...

Good grief, it was a SMOLDERING 96 degrees today. Nevermind going to a park or hiking. After eating at Fran's, we decided to hang around South Congress and browse in and out of the eclectic and Bohemian shops. The area reminds me of Haight Ashbury, and is a wonderful place for people watching. We walked down the strip, periodically stepping into each shop, sighing at the cool airconditioning...

The Uncommon Store had many treasures... I could have spent all day in there browsing through their antique books and dolls.

One of my favorite pastimes is viewing old photographs...

The cupcake stand off South Congress... We kept eyeing it but truthfully, we were in the mood for a Hawaiian shaved ice. It was hot and muggy today!

We spent the most time in the Big Top Candy Shop...
Chocolate covered bugs...

Every conceivable candy...

Old fashioned soda fountain. Alan shared his chocolate soda pop... Less guilt when split with three others...
A candy cigarette machine...

Eclectic candy...

Isn't that appetizing - Black Lung cigarette bubblegum (soothing lemon flavor)...

Dessert with breakfast?

The day went by really fast!


  1. Nice blog.. did the candy store have any chocolate covered roaches? That would gag me for sure :)

  2. Wow, I missed out.
