Thursday, May 15, 2008

HAIL-ashus Veggies

I took some pictures of my veggies yesterday to log in the growth rate. So far, everything is blooming and producing. There are lots of tiny bell peppers, chili peppers, jalapeno's, cherry and large tomatoes. Cucumbers are getting more leafy, but no fruit yet. Last night (to update those I left hanging from my prior blog) we had a tornado scare. We had three major storms developing and heading straight for us. Every station on the TV was reporting the weather.

Since we couldn't park our car in the garage (too much stuff!) we ended up parking it in our yard under the shelter of some trees. All of our neighbors were doing the same thing.

Afterwards, Alan and I quickly carried our glass patio table under our back porch. It wasn't until the hail hit that I remembered my potted veggies. Golf and tennis ball sized hail pounded our roof. Fortunately the tornado missed us, but we heard reports that other areas lost their power, roofs were torn, and some area schools were canceled today.

This morning, my veggies looked virtually untouched! Tonight we are expecting more storms, so I'll probably move them this evening.

I'm a little perplexed about the Malabar spinach... It hasn't been growing much... perhaps it's doing most of the rooting where I can't see? I'd transfer to the ground, but afraid of slugs getting to them.
This little fellow (missing part of his tail) eats most of our insects. Lots of lizards in the backyard. Pamela spends a lot of time capturing and releasing them with her bug net.

I still have many packages of seeds to plant. Running a little slow this month in getting the rest of my gardening done.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you survived the storm damage.. we had hail a couple days ago and I ran outside in it to cover my plants.
    BTW my spinach isn't any bigger then yours.. I was blaming it on all the rain.
