Tuesday, October 31, 2017


Anything that doesn't require refrigeration is a HUGE PLUS to me -- as I like to be prepare for ALL types of emergencies! 

Also, canned food that can be packed for camping is a major BONUS.

BEGA Cheese, is manufactured by the same company (Ballantyne in New Zealand) that makes the RED FEATHER BUTTER 

This cheese has an indefinite shelf life - meaning it will last for years as long as it is stored properly and the can remains sealed.

Adding protein and variety to our food storage is very important, and I was curious about the texture of this cheese. After taking off the lid, I slid a butter knife around the cheese in a circle to loosen.

The cheese is somewhat like Velveeta cheese, but a bit more firm in texture.

3 family members sampled the cheese. Both self and spouse thought it was delicious - it has a distinct white cheddar cheese flavor, with a combination of Velveeta in taste/texture. The cheese is perfect for slicing and snacking. My protesting teen who originally didn't want to sample, gingerly took a nibble, and proceeded afterwards to pop the entire cheese and cracker into her mouth. Score!

Once opened, I refrigerated mine in a ziploc sandwich bag.

                                                OVERALL, I give this cheese a hearty *****5 Star review, due to the fact that not only does it tastes pretty dang good, but it has a good shelf life and we can enjoy cheese and crackers when the lights go out! Yeeehaw!

If you haven't checked out my review on RED FEATHER BUTTER, drop on by! This item is another MUST for the food storage!

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