Monday, July 19, 2010

Melons and Pole Beans

Oh, my Israeli melons are doing WONDERFULLY! I've spied two large ones in the garden so far. I must confess though, I'm afraid to poke around the melon patch too much. The leaves are so huge and I just know there must be a snake lurking nearby. If I were a snake, I'd want to hide among the melons too. Those leaves make a nice cool shade!

THANK YOU my wonderful mother for sharing all those beans with me. I used bamboo poles (growing wild in my yard) to use for bean poles. As you can see, the beans have sprouted and my frying pan is ready!

Gourmet popcorn that I had purchased from an Amish store in Missouri. Actually, I had purchased the kernels to pop, but decided to plant my own too! Er yes, I'm growing them together in a pot.

My melons taking over the garden.

Cherry tomatoes are doing well...

So this is my problem. It's this HUGE, HUGE tomato plant that is taking over my yard. I haven't googled it yet, but I'm thinking I'm going to have to PRUNE it by 50%! You can barely see my Bell Pepper to the left, nor my greenbeans to the right. It's a real hog and nusiance. Especially since it's blooming but not really producing.

Jumbo sized cucumbers. Nothing to brag about though. I only have two on the vine. The bugs are always hungry!

A sweet neighbor down the street gave me two peanut plants.

I'm especially pleased with my OKRA. I had revived my plants from the dead after they were overtaken by bugs. They were literally reduced to nubs. No leaves, no nothing. I kept watering hoping for a miracle. Persistence pays off!


  1. Everything looks so nice in your garden.

    I haven't been out to my garden in several day; it's so hard making myself because of all the mosquitoes!

    Pat brought in one small cherry tomato the other day and Elizabeth and I shared it.

  2. Um, well, I'm about to lather on the repellant and head for my garden to pull weeds. Just waiting for things to cool down a bit. I have no choice. I'm also starting another raised garden outside of my garden, if that makes sense.

  3. Those melons do like to rove don't they? I just let mine go where they will. Right now they are up in the tomato plants. Funny thing the cucumbers and melons are not putting out a good crop. Don't know why that is. Weather related I hope. Those cherries just keep us in tomatoes all summer and I finally get to appreciate them.
