Thursday, July 8, 2010

Cloth Dinner Napkins

While visiting my mother in Missouri, I admired all her crafty creations. Beautifully crocheted table runners and rugs created from colorful old tee shirts, stacks of fabric coasters, quilted wall hangings, embroidered blouses, and even a crocheted "warmer" for her drinking glass. I especially liked her gorgeous stash of cloth napkins. I had to try this for myself.

I used a paper napkin for a pattern, selecting a wide assortment of cotton prints that would match my country kitchen.

No, I haven't gone "green"... but this is just one of many ways that I can cut back on unnecessary spending, not to mention, it gives our meals an elegant touch. Since I've introduced the cloth dinner napkin, we've been eating more frequently by candlelight!


  1. What a GREAT idea! I think I am going to make some. I have a ton of fabric and still not sure what to do with it all. Thanks for the idea!

  2. Their gorgeous!!!
    I just wish I'd thought of making them years ago.

  3. Hooray for you!
    There is *nothing* better than a lovely cloth napkin at mealtime :-)
    Enjoy ... and bon apetit!

  4. I love the green plaid with small sunflowers.

    Several years ago I made cloth napkins out of muslin. We still have them but seldom use them. We just got out of the habit!

  5. Mornin' again!
    Just had to comment on your lovely napkins...aren't they a great way to save money and use up fabric scraps! We use them...and one fun thing to do is have a bunch of different ones...they don't necessarily have to match! I have plates like this as well...all with flower prints but all different...believe it or not, it makes for a really pretty table setting! (maybe I'll blog on it someday!)

    Hope all is well in Texas...
    Love from Maine!
