Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Today, we clipped feathers and allowed the chickens out of the coop! What a treat! They scratched and explored the backyard, doing what they do best--- eating bugs! What happiness!

These ladies are two and a half months old. I'm figuring they'll be laying in a few short months. we brought them home when they were 1 day old -- tame as can be, and a joy each morning!

Poor Sheba got scolded while the hens roamed. No Sheba! Sheba! Behave! We're teaching her to "herd" the chicks. She's allowed to sniff, stare, follow, but not taste chicken. The only thing Sheba's allowed to chase, is the hungry cat that likes to crawl over our fence. When THAT happens, BAD KITTY! Get her, Sheba!

Time for me to work on a bigger coop. Once the project is completed, I plan to purchase 4 more chicks to add to the brood -- TEN is the maximum allowed within city limits! Thus, the adventures of urban farming!


  1. How exciting! Are you going to leave them out all day?

  2. We're going to try to take them out every day, but under watchful eyes. I'm very protective of them right now.
