Tuesday, September 1, 2009

A Busy August!

Galian Israeli Melon, Tomato, Parmesan rolls, and Brown Turkey Figs.

I haven't done a blog update in so long I forgot my password!! Thought I'd update ya'll on what's been going on.

My sister traveled from West Texas (Lubbock) to pay a visit. We ended up going to our favorite nursery, the Natural Gardener, and of course, Whole Foods!

Natural Gardener was very disappointing as the heatwave had really taken a toll on everything. It's been a really brutal summer. I think we had a total of 67 100+ days so far. It really wiped out my gardening attempts. Tonight on the national news they showed our fast vanishing lakes -- dropping a foot of water each week. It's pretty bad here. We need rain, lots of it!

One day for lunch, I created an awesome tuna sandwich on a bed of lettuce, organic tomato, served on a lightly toasted buttered Parmesan roll, slices of Galia melon, figs, and chips --- Sun tea with slices of lime, lemon, and Stevia for sweetener.
I prefer organic veggies so I can save my seeds. The Galia melon was out of this world. My daughter and I got to sample this at Whole Foods and decided to chunk back $6 for the Mediterranian melon. Now we have the seeds to grow our own.
This month my daughter completed her final show -- School House Rock Live --- at the Sam Bass theatre. This was a lot of fun, but draining as it's a huge commitment.
Around the time my daughter auditioned for the show, I took on extra work as a data entry clerk at my job, Hope Alliance -- we offer shelter for women and children in domestic violence situations. For a couple hours a day, I enter all the sexual assault/domestic violence cases throughout Texas into a computer system. On weekends, I do relief managing at the shelter itself, answering hotlines, and taking care of our residents. It's a rewarding job, but I've decided to stay home more, and cut back on my part-time work. With that said, I'm really excited about the next school year. Another year of interesting field trips, volunteering at Pioneer Farms, sports, and piano lessons. I really do love home schooling and am very thankful for this freedom.

My daughter and I are working on quilts now and trying to get a handle on our yard work. It's a mess after this drought! We are SO looking forward to cooler weather! I'll try to post more on my blog but must confess that when things are busy --- it's easier to touch base with everyone on Facebook!


  1. Its good to see what's happening in your life and that food sure looks yummy..
    I haven't forgot my password YET but I did finally do a blog this morning myself and its about my garden.. go check it out.
    It makes me feel bad your garden couldn't have done better.. maybe next year will be a better one.

  2. This really has been a crazy summer with all the drought ... very freaky.

    I can't wait to see the quilts you're working on!!!

  3. I looked up info on this melon and learned Thomas Jefferson grew them in his garden; so I figure the seeds you sent should do well in my garden next year.
