Sunday, June 14, 2009

Pooped from the Coop

Today, I dragged out my recycled lumber and started on the coop. I've been researching A-frame coop ideas on the Web. I've always wanted a tractor coop that I could drag around the yard.

Getting started was a little rough. I bent a couple (okay, several) nails, and even broke a hammer! Thankfully we had a spare.
Leaning the frames against each other you can see where this project is going...
Sewing supplies come in handy!
So far so good...
Gotta run to Home Depot for some screws, hinges, and chicken wire. This is fun, but I'm pooped!


  1. How exciting! Are you planning a bigger one for when the chicks get grown?

  2. We plan to let them free range when we're outdoors to watch. The coop is actually bigger looking than pictured. In fact, I hope it's not too big/heavy to lug around.

  3. Helen,
    Your resoursefulness never ceases to amaze me.

  4. I can't wait to see the finished coop ...hint, hint ..heehee! I admire you for making one!! Your title made me chuckle!
