Saturday, June 20, 2009

Chicken Coop II

Almost finished! I just need to add a door, waterproof roof, nesting boxes, and some extra siding. (Okay, maybe I'm only half done...)

Whew! This is hard work! After adding the chicken wire, the chicks got to test out their new home.
I had originally used the basic chicken wire, but decided to return it to Home Depot for the small mesh kind. Allowing wire to overlap on the sides, I feel pretty confident that hungry critters won't be able to poke their paws inside or dig under the coop.
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Teaching Sheba manners right now. She's going to have to learn to get along with 6 fussy hens.


  1. I love it! I'm excited for you.

  2. You're doing a good job! Good for you!! That's an awful cute picture of your dog!
