Tuesday, March 10, 2009

More to plant!

Today, I received from Seed Savers Exchange my order of Herb Chives, English Lavender, and Salvia flower.
Sunflowers are ready to transplant, but I can't decide where to put them yet.
The organic radishes are blooming and going to seed. I'm wondering if the weather is getting too warm for them now.
The organic red potatoes I had picked up at Whole Foods are sprouting beautifully.
These are the mystery green beans that had sprouted in my pot of Marigolds.

We've been enjoying 80 degree weather all week, but now our temps are dropping. Our lows will be dropping to the mid 40's with a high of 50's and 60's. This is the type of weather that drives me crazy. We've been running our air conditioner all week, and now it's getting cold again.

We have a 70% chance of rain tomorrow and Thursday. 209 out of Texas' 254 counties are under a burn ban. HOPING for rain, but not hoping for a freeze!


  1. It was hot as heck here too in FL today. Just wanted to come by and say hi as I saw you in someone's comment box. I wished I could container garden.

  2. Be sure to save your radish seeds so you can plant again in the Fall.

  3. Yippers.. too hot for those radishes.. BTW Live.Love.Eat posts on my blog ;) check her out, she posts some of the most delicious recipes you'll ever try. I wish I lived close to her, I'd drop in around dinner time at least once a week :)

  4. Your plants look really good! I started some seeds inside and they are doing good, but now I'm running out of room! I'll try to take pictures later this week.

  5. Mmmmm ... looks like a great beginning to your garden!

    Like you, my fingers are crossed for rain : )
