Sunday, March 15, 2009

Almost Spring!

The sun broke out today and we (my sister, the kids, and I) headed for Natural Gardener. The place was a beehive. Everyone had spring fever. I picked up Rosemary seeds, more heirloom Granny Zinnias (I adore these flowers), and Lemon Mint.

I was very pleased to find the BAY LAUREL. I hadn't located any seeds this year and had also read these were hard to sprout.
Don't ask what possessed me, but I picked up these Hungarian Broom Corn seeds at Whole Foods later today.

After the nursery, we worked up an appetite and checked out Terra Burgers off of Guadalupe (the Drag.)

Parking's a hassle, but it was well worth it. The burgers were very yummy and EVERYTHING was organic, down to the cola's and the condiments.

(no pun intended)


  1. I'm heading over to the Natural Gardener to get a bay laurel too.

  2. This looks like a perfect Austin day! Your garden-in-progress continues to inspire me : )

  3. LOL love the toilet paper sign.
    So.. did Patty think the food was good too?

  4. Oh I wish we had a place to eat out like that here. It would be so nice to feel good about what you are eating. I can't wait until I get to go to the greenhouse and pick up some plants!! That won't be for another couple of months yet though! I just love going and looking at everything .. I love plants!

  5. Looks like you all had so much fun. Nice to have a sister to do things with.

  6. HEE hee hee I always laugh when I see recycled toilet paper.

  7. Especially when it's the butt of a joke? ;-)
