Friday, September 12, 2008

Chicken Fried Rice

Dinner was a success! I have to share this recipe with you. The fried rice was better than good -- It was FABULOUS! No more buying premade from the stores. I plan to premake this in batches and freeze for instant meals.

Here's the steps I took:
Pan fry boneless chicken in a wok with peanut oil and garlic salt.

Cook a pot of white rice. Make those cookies...
After chicken is cooked and diced, chop FRESH carrots and celery. Add frozen peas and two or three eggs. Allow veggies to heat and scramble eggs. I added green onions fresh from my garden. Salt and stir ingredients. It's important to cook this in the leftover peanut oil and chicken juice.
Mix in cooked rice, and add Soy Sauce.
Serve with your favorite side dishes! WOW! I love Chinese food so much, I bought a set of dishes, just for the occasion.


Boneless chicken
Peanut oil
Garlic salt
Soy Sauce
Frozen peas
Fresh Carrots
Fresh Celery
Fresh Green Onions

** I prefer using fresh vegetables rather than canned, as the texture stays firm. Frozen peas are preferable than canned as well.

This is so good, try it!

NO Chopsticks? I'll SUEY!

Did I ever tell you about the time when Alan took me out to the Tokyo Steakhouse?
We decided to drain our bank account to eat at this fancy restaurant -- you know, the one where you share a table with a bunch of strangers, watch your chef chop, cook, and swing his knife --- tossing chunks of food across the table into your mouths?

I'm one of those people who's BIG on atmosphere. I've been known to walk out of a restaurant because they sat me near the bathrooms. I hate facing walls, and I want my restaurant to be clean and comfy. I'm a real down-to-earth person and atmosphere is JUST as important to me (if not more) than the food itself.

Interpretation: I'd rather have a bologne sandwich on the beach, than a steak in a shack!

Well, I was already feeling guilty for spending so much money. The entertainment was fun, the strangers beside me were warming up and the food was looking really good.

So picture me, running off and buying a set of Asian plates, bowls, teapots, and chopsticks, just so I could capture that atmosphere at home...

And then finding out at this restaurant ---- they didn't have CHOPSTICKS! They ran out of chopsticks, so they handed me a fork. I felt cheated. And broke.

Nope, they'll never live it down.


  1. I agree with you about the atmosphere being important.. we've ate many times at those chop/grill in your face places and you definately can make it just as good at home.
    I make rice dishes simular to yours but mostly I serve it as a rice bowl since it already had all the veggies and meat in it.
    I love to make cajun rice dishes with everything in it too.

  2. I've copied your recipe. My husband would love it- me too.

    Okay- an Asian Restraunt with no chop sticks? They owed you a discount.

    When we were in Amarillo this summer we took our friends and kids out to dinner at one of those places and it was very expensive- and really disappointing. It was dirty and dark and the guys who worked there hovered around us. I think they were flirting with my friends gorgeous daughter- who is ONLY in 8th grade! Ick. But, at least they had chopsticks. :)

    Stay dry!

  3. Jonathan loves eating chicken and rice; I'll have to try this for him very soon.

  4. The food looks really good!
    I hope you are all weathering the storm well.
