Thursday, September 11, 2008

We've been watching the news all morning -- trying to figure out where IKE is going to STRIKE!

We are in SO desperate need of rain that we really REALLY need the rain! (I'm repeating myself!)

But I AM concerned about wind damage. As for flooding --- not concerned, as our house is on a hill.

Yesterday, the weather station was placing a Category II over the Austin area. Hhmmm...

Alan says his job is telling everyone to stay home on Saturday. Josh called and said his job asked him to resubmit his emergency contact information (he has to work Saturday.)

Regardless, we are dragging our potted garden plants and patio furniture to the back porch. Going to lay the basketball goal down on its side, pull down our umbrellas and maybe park our car on our lawn under the trees... Our garage? Don't ask!

As for provisions and water, we've been PREPARED for quite some time. As you've noticed in my earlier blog posts, my family is GUNG HO about emergency preparedness. We have food, medicine, water, candles, batteries---you name it, stashed away for these types of emergencies. I feel pretty good about not having to dash to the store. We even have emergency cash put away. The only thing we need to do is GET GAS! ((Alan, if we forgot to do this already, can you please fill up the tank?!))

During our walks, we pass this lovely vine...

We ARe disappointed that we may miss out on CAVE DAY this Saturday. This was the second installment of Cedar Park's public opening of "free cave day"... Pamela and I were looking forward to spelunking again over the weekend. On top of that, this SUNDAY was FREE MUSEUM day too...

I guess it all depends on the weather what we'll do this weekend. Otherwise, we really need to stay home and clean house. The wedding's 2 weeks away and company'l be arriving!

Figuring we'll be getting rain over the weekend, Pamela and I walked to the creek today for some fresh water. Pamela has an aquarium now in my greenhouse and she's been feeding and raising the tadpoles and minnows that she had caught last week (Or was that the week before last?)

Alan came home for lunch and joined us at the creek. After he left, we splashed around and caught some minnows. We nearly caught a baby perch and I barely missed stepping on a snake.

Tunnel vision...

Can you see the clouds?

The ground is scorched!

We're home now and I'm looking at the clock.

TONIGHT, I'm cooking CHINESE for the boys. They'll be here at 6pm for our weekly "family night" tradition. I'm planning to cook chicken stir fry from scratch, and serve it with deep fried chicken wings, beef chow mein, chicken egg rolls, and hot green tea.

Pamela's baking chocolate chip cookies.

Well, time to roll up my sleeves.



  1. I just said a prayer for you!Sounds like you are ready though.

  2. Sounds like you are battening down the hatches- and very prepared.

    We lost power for 5 days last winter due to ice and heavy snow. I'll pray for you too. Wouldn't want anyone to loose their services in a storm after that experience.

    Hope you get rain that you need- and no damage!!

  3. Well we are watching it too it has been moving to the right that is good for us we have every thing we need good thing we don't really live in the Houston area they get flooded so quick so hope we get the easy side and not the dirty side take care and be safe

    Bianca H

  4. I got an E-mail notice that you had posted on my blog through Kiss of Sun but could not find it, nor do I understand it. Either way it led me to your blog, and I think it's great and enjoyed reading it.
    As far as late summer plants go I know a few that you will want to have and you can look at my blog for even more. Go native as much as possible. Try a Copper Canyon Daisy, doesn't bloom till Sept. but has a heavenly aroma all year long. Also almost all of the plants I have listed bloom till frost. Again, I enjoyed reading your blog and will look again.

  5. Bob, I'm definitely going native. Or at least working towards it. Although I do have plans to purchase some "foreigners" through Seed Savers.

    I saved your blog. Not sure how you got an email notice as I didn't post on yours, but glad you stopped by. I saved your link and plan to check out your flowers!
