Sunday, September 28, 2008


Well, the big day had finally arrived.

The ceremony was so beautiful and Caitlin's wedding dress was STUNNING. The wedding dress and bridesmaid dresses were all handmade. After the ceremony, we walked a trail to the creek for the reception and enjoyed some live music from the Bluegrass band, The Old Holdouts.

What a lovely country wedding! I can't believe my son is married.

Mother and Son.
Alan (Josh's dad), Nathan (brother) and Josh.
Jonathan - rehearsing tunes for the wedding.
Boarding the hayride to the German farm for wedding.

Here comes the bride.

Husband and Wife.

The girls did a reenactment of how Caitlin and Josh met.
The first dance.

Tossing the garter.

A hug from little sister.
Leaving for honeymoon.

Rehearsal the night before.
Josh and Caitlin.

More wedding photo's can be viewed HERE


  1. What a wonderful photographer you had taking the pictures. How did you ever find her? :)

  2. I found her under a bridge in Austin, and promised her a bottle of vanilla vodka! ;-)

  3. Very nice congrats to the newly wed
    Bianca H

  4. What a unique wedding..beautiful pictures!! :)
