Friday, July 18, 2008

Homemade Pizza

Here's a recipe for quick homemade pizza - Approximately 30 minutes to prepare and cook.

You'll need:

Pizza crust mix
Grated Mozzarella cheese
Spaghetti sauce
Grated Parmesan cheese
Ground beef

** The packages/ingredients shown will yield approximately 2 large 12" pizzas - add or subtract toppings of your choice.

This is for your basic meat and cheese pizza. Cook about 2 cups of ground beef and drain. While meat is frying, preheat oven to 450.
Pour mix into bowl, add hot water (as pkg specifies) and mix, adding a little flour if sticky - knead, let rise for 5 min. While waiting on crust, check ground beef, drain if finished and grease 12" pizza pan.
Spread dough evenly to the sides, working from the middle.
Prick dough with fork and place in oven for about 2 min.

While dough is heating, you can repeat process for 2nd pizza.

Pull dough from oven and spread spaghetti sauce evenly over crust. Sprinkle Parmesan cheese.
Spread ground beef, pepperoni, and Mazzarella cheese evenly.
Place in oven and cook for approx 10 min or when cheese is lightly browned.

Finish process for 2nd pizza while cooking the first. Cool for about 5 min, slice and serve!

1 comment:

  1. Looks yummy! I personally think homemade pizza taste much better then what you buy. Commercial pizza tends to be salty and greasy.
