Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Rain + Cooler Nights = Happy Garden

Guess what we had for supper tonight? Vegetable soup! Somewhat of a slim pick'ns, but it was nice to drop some homegrown veggies into a pot.

Thankfully we had been getting some rain - over 15" worth! More than we needed all at once, but I was happy I didn't have to water my garden for a few days.

The temperatures are climbing back up, but the nights seem to be dropping into the 70's, giving all my plants a much needed boost. Everything's blooming like crazy.

Bell pepper plants as tall as my fence....


More melons...

For awhile there, I didn't think my Patty Squash would make it, but now the blooms are holding on. I'll try and capture my thriving Kentucky Beans on my next post. They are finally blooming and I'm really hoping for a lot of beans before the winter sets in. This is something we eat a LOT of around here. Practically with every meal.


  1. Your pepper plant is amazing! I have never seen one that tall before.

  2. Glorious garden!

    Great news -- I have basil *and* lettuce appearing inside!!! I'm giddy with glee ... and so grateful to YOU for all the inspiration and guidance :-)
