Sunday, June 13, 2010

Garden Progress

I'm currently on a roadtrip and finally getting around to uploading my photo's from a hotel room. I wanted to do a quick update on my garden to show its progress and really hoping it's in good shape when I return within a week. The day before we left, I did some moderate weeding, staked my tomatoes, and inspected my squash, melon's, peppers, cucumbers, and greenbeans. Okra seems to be reviving, tomatoes are blooming, and my Zucchini seems to be taking a turn for the worse. I win some and lose some.

This week I also planted some non hybrid Granny Zinnia's, figs, and Black eyed Susans.
Hoping for more rain while I'm gone.

Serious weeding needed in the melon patch, but I ran out of time.


  1. Glorious garden! What bounty you'll have right in your own backyard! Deeeeelicious :-)

  2. Dear Helen,
    Oh, I'm soooo jealous...your garden is much further along than mine...of course, it might have to do with the fact that you are in Texas and I'm way up here in Maine! We have only picked some greens and strawberries thus far...waiting patiently for everything else. Thanks for's encouraging!
    God bless,

  3. I so love how the egg plant looks that I might have to plant some next year so I can just look at them!
