Saturday, May 8, 2010

Garden and Grill

We've recently replaced our old barbecue grill with this new cast iron smoker. All I can say is that cast iron makes a huge difference! This is one of the best grills we've ever owned. Food cooks faster, and the warming rack adds more space. Our last cook-out, we used it to bake the potatoes and corn on the cob.

I had a lot going on this week, but managed to spend my Saturday working on adding more raised garden beds. The box in the middle is where I planted my Galia Israeli melons. These will vine toward the other melons from the opposite direction. I have several potted gardens in the front yard and figure this should be plenty enough to keep me busy. So far I have growing - Watermelons, cantaloupes, greenbeans, okra, squash, cucumbers, tomatoes, bellpeppers, Jalapeno's, Serrano's, Zucchini, and eggplant. Since I've started a raised garden bed, I have plenty of empty pots to start my flowers. I'm hoping to get to those this week. I know, I'm getting a very late start!

And by the way, the weather today was absolutely perfect! In the uppper 70's or early 80's. This is amazingly cool compared to what we endured with last year's heatwave. I'm really hoping for a good growing season!


  1. The garden is looking nice; sure hope you get to eat some of your foods before the squirrels get it.

    I like the rack on your new grill. I need to get busy and start grilling more; everything taste better when cooked outdoors.

  2. Your food looks delicious and the garden is really coming along.. love your fenced in area.

  3. Wish I had been there for the barbecue. Looks delish.
