Sunday, December 27, 2009

Poor Chelsea

2 months old
Last night we lost one of our hens. And she was our favorite. Chelsea was the sweetest and tamest bird we've ever owned. Always glad to see us, first to approach us, and very very gentle.

I blame myself for waiting too long to trim their wings. Chelsea kept escaping the coop. Unfortunately, our dog played a bit too rough.

Thus the bittersweet experience of raising farm animals. Now we're down to 4 hens. We still have 2 egg layers, and waiting for the rest, but something's missing without Chelsea. I'm at work, so they're staying in their coop today until I can clip their wings on Monday. Better safe than sorry!


  1. Boo hoo, hoo! I know just how you feel. Are you going to get more?

  2. Poor baby.. I know you miss her.
    hows the other one doing? the one that got her neck hurt?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hmmmm... My daughter needs to sign off when using the main computer! She has her own! Anyway, I deleted "her" comment. :P

    Yes, the other hen is doing fine, even though her neck still looks bad. She's laying an egg every day which is a good sign! It feels weird having only 4 hens. Don't know if I'll replace the rooster and Chelsea with other hens, though...
