Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Good morning to you too!!

Meet Jessie. We raised her (him) from a 1 day old chick. We had many hopes and dreams that someday Jessie would provide us with fresh eggs for breakfast. Now we cringe each morning at (ahem!) 5:30 A.M. sharp with a crisp and clear, COCKA-DOOODLE!!!! But no DOOOOS.... Not sure if Jessie will ever do the cocka-doodle-dooo, but whatever he dooo's, I hope my neighbor's don't want to dooo me in.
Looking again at my city ordinance rules, we can have up to 10 chickens in town. No specifications on roosters. I'm assuming (ahem) that we CAN have a rooster...

Anyway, my girls (and 1 guy) are growing fast! I built them a nice large pen last week and they seem pretty happy!


  1. I love PJ's new short Doooo
    the chickens are cute too.

  2. The girls are pushing at 5 months. So, I'm figuring SOON!!
