Thursday, October 29, 2009

Wild Watermelons

While doing our morning walks, we've noticed this watermelon patch growing wild along the creek.

Each time, I'm tempted to dig one up and take it home to replant. The last time the City came out to mow the area, I held my breath. This is what survived. I would have dug one up sooner, but I'm not sure a plant can survive a transplant that's already gone to fruit...


Patty said...

Are you sure it is a watermelon and not a gourd?

Helen Ruth said...

Possible... Click on picture and get a better look. They LOOK like melons to me...

Anonymous said...

I don't think I'd trust eating them.. when I was a kid we saw many of those in the wild and mom always told us kids they wern't eatable.. whether its true or not it wouldn't be worth the risk. and no a plant can't be transplanted once it's mature.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't eat them, even if they were watermelons they would probably be a lot more sour

Unknown said...

The seed has benefits if your sugar is high, swallow some seed it's bitter but can help

Jester said...

Pretty sure that is a wild muskmelon originator of cantaloupes n honey melons

Anonymous said...

If they are buffalo gourds you can only eat then during a certain period or else they are toxic. Buffalo gourds look like small watermelons

Unknown said...

They are melons I've eaten one before. Not Buffalo gourds. You won't be able to transplant but easily can take a melons and save seeds for spring

Anonymous said...

They are poisonous.. the wild don’t even eat them. I stepping on some now