Thursday, October 15, 2009

Boots and Backpacks

My daughter and I have been reading the book, Material World, for her geography lessons. Each chapter focuses on several countries representing each continent. We've learned how much the family earns a year, where they live, and what they consider important.

It was very eye-opening to see how many families got by on very little, yet they were very happy.
It was in the midst of our geography lessons that the thought crossed my mind for the first time -- Why don't Pamela and I travel overseas to see for ourselves?

Although we had discussed travel overseas many times, we were always daunted at the high costs of packaged tours. The possibilities seemed promising to do our own research, study up on geography, languages, and history. My husband, who does a lot of travel for his job, gave his blessings, and A few weeks later, our passports arrived!
Our backpacks are purchased, but not packed yet, as we're leaving March. I've been researching for hours our itinerary. We'll be flying into Cairo, and staying a few days before catching either a bus to Eilat Israel, or finding a ride into Jordan to see the lost city of Petra. After we cross the Allenby Bridge into Israel we'll be headed for Jerusalem.

So many things to research and learn before we go, making this the ultimate lesson in geography, math, history, social studies, and languages. We need to brush up on our Hebrew, learn Arabic, locate our embassies, make copies of our passports, extra visa photo's, learn our currencies and exchange... As anxious as I am to go now, I see the wisdom in waiting a few more months. We have so much to do.

So many decisions... Should I bring my laptop? Will everything get through airport security? After all, we're boarding the plane with just our boots and backpacks.

I've had many people express an interest in going with us! We plan to stay in hostels, eat street food, and ride the bus. It's not a vacation, but a trip. I haven't made up my mind how long we'll be gone. Two weeks, three, a month? Tickets won't be purchased till after Christmas, giving me time to plan our route. If I can find cheaper fare, I'd like to fly into Cairo and leave by Tel Aviv...

More later...


  1. HOLY MOLY!!! This is such wonderful, exciting news for you!!! I can't wait to hear as your plans develop. Fabulous!

  2. Where did you find your book? Was it at your library?

    I too am planning a trip with Elizabeth but we will not be going out of the country! I would like to take her to a big quilt show sometime. The shows usually last 2 to 3 days.

  3. WOW! You are just something else, do you know that? How wonderful!

  4. Patty,

    My friend Valerie kept raving about this book. My library didn't carry it so I ordered a copy from - I would offer you this book, but it's already been promised to someone else.

    Where is this quilt show you planning to go? Out of state?

  5. How exciting. If this is your first trip overseas then I think you are also very adventurous. All the talk of getting a bus etc. I for one like to have it all planned out although I will say that Europe is much easier to travel by bus and train. Middle East I am not sure about. It will be a great learning experience for you both. That is just how the rich Victorians used to educate. The Grand Tour of Europe. Look forward to hearing as your plans develop.
