Thursday, September 10, 2009

Heavenly burger

This freshly baked hamburger bun came from the 5-min Artisan bread I had blogged about earlier. I am so thrilled with the possibilities!
Honestly, this was the best tasting hamburger I've had in a long time. The last few times I ate burgers, my commercial bun crumbled into a gooey mess. All I can say is give this Artisan bread a try!


  1. This looks so good!!!

    You and mom are having too much fun with this bread.

  2. I'm going to try it today. Couple of questions.
    1) I have bread flour. Will that work or does it just have to be plain flour.
    2) I heard her say leave it on the counter for an hour before putting it in the fridge.
    3) what are the full directions?
    4) I don't have a pizza stone. Problem.
