Monday, May 18, 2009

Recital Night!

Tonight was Pamela's piano recital. We are so proud of her. She won the Bravo award for being the top in her class!

This blog post is for grandma who couldn't be here...
Mrs Rachel - the piano teacher

She wrote Pamela a very lovely note:


I have so enjoyed teaching you piano this semester. You have worked so hard and I am so proud of you! You are such a precious girl & you have a gift for music. I hope you continue to grow musically! You have been a joy to teach.

(heart) Rachel

Group picture...
Dinner after the reception at Chili's!
We told our waiter that we were having a HALLMARK MOMENT, and he said, "great, now all you need is a camera!"... To his surprise, I handed him a camera.


  1. Thank you for remembering the camera.. congrats PJ.. I'm proud of you too and wish I could have been there.
    Your meal looked delicious.. and I see Josh has cut his hair again.. and the blue is gone LOL

  2. Hooray for Pamela! Looks like a wonderful evening : )
