Thursday, March 26, 2009

Homestead Heritage II

Our homeschool group took a field trip today to Homestead Heritage. The last time I was out there was on Thanksgiving weekend and it was PACKED.

This time, we enjoyed the farm practically to ourselves. We watched demonstrations on wood crafting, black smith, pottery, and wool yarn weaving. We even learned how they dyed their wool - deriving their colors from native flowers and beetles.

After watching a video about the farm, taking a horse drawn hayride, seeing the petting zoo, the kids wrapped things up with hands-on soap making, leather, candle dipping, and spoon making.

While having lunch, I got to visit with the people who live at Homestead heritage and ask them about their faith, home schooling, and some history on how Homestead Heritage came about. Some of the things I found interesting was the fossils and arrow heads that were found on the farm, not to mention wagon trail tracks. Also, we were shown the ancient pecan trees that were at least 150-200 years old. They said the pecans taste AMAZING.

Interesting stuff and nice people!

The sun hid most of the day and the skies threatened rain. We dodged mud puddles over the whole farm, but all in all, it was a rewarding day. My only regret is that we didn't get to dwell much on the gardens, nor did I have a chance to visit the general store. Maybe next time!


  1. How neat you got to take advantage of quiet time there! We did the mobs-of-people Thanksgiving adventure ... wow ...

  2. What Fun!!! I would so love visiting that place.

  3. It makes me wish we all could live in such a peaceful place.
