Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Talking Trash!


All winter, we've been saving our organic matter - peelings, eggshells, coffee grinds, tea bags, and vegetables for the compost bin. The trashcan is too heavy to rotate anymore, so I have to dump and mix.
Today, we planted Honey Rock Heirloom Cantaloupes, and Sugar Baby Heirloom Watermelons. I have some extra seeds to share if Grandma is interested...
We had our first crop TODAY!
Flowers and Sunflowers have sprouted...

The only thing I lack for my garden is GREEN ONIONS. (Not counting the Egyptian Walking onions.)


  1. How did the radishes taste? Were they hot or just right?

  2. I thought they were just right. A little spicy. We love these in our salads.

  3. Your going to have an awesome garden!

  4. Yuck! I was just getting ready to pop a bite of Dove chocolate in my mouth when that compost pic came up.. double yuk! :)
    It makes me wonder how bad my compost bin looks since its been frozen most of the winter.

    Nice looking radishes..
    Let me think on the seed offer.. we've limited space here for things that vine and we've already promised the boys they can plant pumpkins. If you want any of those seeds, you're welcome to have some.
    Just let me know.

  5. Great pics, I wish I could grow something. We have wanted to start a garden forever. I normaly kill everything, even cactus plants. The Lord forgot about me when he was handing out green thumbs. HA HA

  6. cooleos!We have a trash can bin too, but I have been letting the chickens
    rotate it.
