Sunday, December 7, 2008

Pearl Harbor day...

Today is the anniversary of my blog. One year ago today, I posted my experiences as a tour guide for the USS Arizona Memorial. Visit my FIRST BLOG ENTRY, for Pearl Harbor stories and my experience as tour guide.

I dusted off a couple of my old pictures... Me...
This is one of the girls I had trained. I'm standing on the bow. Beyond the stern of the boat, you can see the ship channel. This is where I kept a look-out for incoming ships and submarines. Whenever crossing the harbor, I'd have to radio each incoming ship to ask for permission. We were called, Whiskey Tango, which stood for Water Transportation.

The boathouse in Ford Island. If I wasn't training others, I was running boat shuttles, doing tours for the Arizona Memorial, or radio dispatching at the boathouse.


  1. I still have some of those pictures that you mailed me.. boy you sure look young in that one.. but then you were :)
    Happy Anniversary to your blog.. I really enjoy reading it.

  2. You're such an interesting person! I don't have time right this minute, but I'll be back to read your first blog entry. Happy blog anniversary! :)

  3. Happy late anni for your blog!! Love the pictures!! Must have been a very interesting job! I love history and having a job that deals with teaching or showing things about history rocks in my book! No fun intended of this day..but this is also my daughter's I always tell people that this is definitely the day the bomb dropped for me! Thank you for stopping by and leaving bday wishes for kiersten :)
