Sunday, November 2, 2008

Folding fabric II

Progress being made. As suggested, I'm folding a little at a time. I'm amazed at how much space I'm saving. 10 bolts laying on their side will take up 1 shelf spot. When folded, I can store up to 50 bolts of fabric on 1 shelf.

What's even better, when folded and organized, I can actually see (and plan) my inventory. I still have several more boxes of fabric to sort and fold, but I'm finding all kinds of surprises. I haven't started on my fabric closet yet, but I've made MAJOR improvement in other areas.

What a nifty idea to fold and organize our sewing areas! Everyone's progress has been very motivating!


  1. Sewing is my favorite thing to do!!!


  2. Wow, what a difference!

    I must say, cleaning out my sewing room was such a good thing; we must be sure to send mom some fabric as a big thank you for getting us started on all the cleaning and organizing!!!

    Just kidding if you read this mom!

  3. I read that Patty.. and don't you dare ship me any fabric :)

    Don't you just love being able to run your eyes down the fabric and see at a glance just what you're looking for? and all those surprise finds are so much fun.
    Keep posting pic's, I'm enjoying them.

  4. Oh wow! Look at that gorgeous fabric! You have a very nice blog! It's nice to meet a fellow sewer, although I must admit, I'm not the greatest sewer around. I do love to sew though, so hopefully in time I will improve. Thanks for stopping by my blog yesterday!

  5. I wish I could sew...I really need to take a class or something...would love to make clothes cheap!! You did a great job on cleaning your sewing room up!! :)
