Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Family History 101

How neat it is to dust off my mother's autobiography and catch up on family history! My 11-year old daughter is right now reading this book. She's at that age where she asks lots of questions. She also reads my blog every day, so I have to be careful what I post! ;-)

My mother wrote this biography and printed out copies for all of my siblings. This is a book to be cherished and passed down from generation to generation!

Here's an excerpt during World War II. My mother remembered having to cover their windows to block light -- out of fear the enemy would spot a target and drop a bomb: Most able-bodied men went to war, my brother Tommy included, leaving the women to find work. Mom and my sister Ruth both worked at a defense plant where they made ammunition.

I was told it was a dangerous place to work and it wasn't uncommon for explosions in the plant. The building has a hinged roof that would open to let fumes out or incase of an explosion it would open to prevent the building being destroyed. They had to wear facemasks, to cover their hair, wear gloves and some women had allergic reactions to the sulfer and chemicals used there. According to mom it was during the war that women first cut their long hair and started wearing pants.
The defense plant today (St. Louis, Missouri)

My grandmother's old farm house. The town is no longer there, and the house had burned down. I was surprised to learn that this house used to be a general store!
Uncle Freddie and my mom.
My maternal grandpa Perou.
Maternal Great Grandpa Groat, building with oil cans.

Somewhere off the coast of Florida. I'm in the back with the wind blowing my hair. If I'm not mistaken ---- this was when my family drove down to see Jim and Tammy Bakker (before they became infamous.)

The autobiography reads like an action packed novel - ups and downs, and harrowing moments -- from our evacuation from the Watt's Riot in downtown Los Angeles, to the time we left Death Valley and got stuck in a surprise blizzard.

I'm not sure I have the guts to do my own autobiography.
Does blogging count?


  1. Wow, how cool to have something like this! This past Christmas I did family trees on both my mom and dad's sides of the family. It was crazy to go back as far as I did and just see where we came from...very neat post and lovely pictures! You should keep the tradition going and write a book yourself! :)

  2. Your Moms autobiography is an excellent idea. Every family should have someone willing to do that. We would probably be surprised at how interesting OUR grandkids would find it someday. It is so sad when people lose track of their family history. My husband hardly knows anything about his fathers side of the family. Very neat.

  3. Wow!! I had no idea my life would be that interesting ;)

  4. Thank you for leaving a comment on my site - I think blogging DOES make a sort of autobiography. But a diary of thoughts that you wouldn't leave public would be nice, too.

    My dad wrote his autobiography, but I can't get my mom to. I should sit down with a tape recorder and ask her questions - we have my grandmother on tape like that and I need to transcribe THAT!
