Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Mystery Destination

We are headed tomorrow (Thursday) on a MYSTERY ROADTRIP! We couldn't plan too much ahead due to the weather and the aftermath of tropical storm Edward, Edwardo, Eduardo -- whichever.

Tropical storm ED let us down. Now I have to drag out the water hose. FIRST, we were under a FLASHFLOOD warning and a WIND ADVISORY with a 90% chance of rain... then as the day developed it became 60% chance, then 40% chance... now 20% chance of rain tomorrow.

We're desperately in need of rain!

By the weekend, we'll be back in a heatwave adding to the count of 43+ days of triple digit temps to our parched and dry land -- with seemingly no end in sight.

So, our roadtrip is a MYSTERY.

I looked online and the state park we're headed for was closed due to the tropical storm, but SHOULD be opened tomorrow -- we hope. Either way, our destination depends on the weather and what's available.

Stay tuned for trip report!

HINT: This is on the brochure of where we're planning to camp:

• ABSOLUTELY DO NOT feed or annoy the alligators.
• Keep pets on a leash no longer than six feet. Do not throw objects in water for your dog to retrieve.
• Keep at least 30 ft. from an alligator – do not assume they’re slow-moving.
• Do not swim in or wade into any water.
• If an alligator goes after a fish you have caught, cut the line and let the alligator have the fish.
• Avoid any alligator sunning itself in the middle of the trail or lake bank.
• Stay clear of grasses, twigs and/or soil near the side of a trail: it may be a nest and the mother alligator is probably close by guarding it.
• If an alligator opens its mouth and hisses, you have come too close. Retreat slowly; make no quick moves. Keep your eyes on the alligator


Do you think I should pack more than mosquito repellant?


  1. LOL a pellet gun or two might not hurt. Have fun and don't forget the camera.

  2. Well if you are going to Brazos yes take a lot of mosquito repellant and if you are walking in trails watch out for spiders they are every where (they do not bite)but it can scare the heck out of you if is on you.
