Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Homemade Blueberry Pop-Tarts

Pamela's been feeling under the weather all week, so thought I'd perk her up with some homemade blueberry Pop-Tarts!

I wanted my Pop-Tarts to be flaky and taste exactly like the stores. After giving this recipe a whirl, I do believe it tastes just the same if not better!


4 cups flour
1 3/4 cups vegetable shortening
2 tablespoon sugar
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
1 egg
1/2 cup cold water
1 teaspoon vinegar
Blueberry jam

In a large bowl, cut flour and shortening with a pastry blender, or a butter knife until completely blended and resembles crumbs. Add sugar, baking powder, salt, egg, vinegar and cold water. Mix with hands until mixture forms ball.

Wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
Divide dough into fourths, refrigerating the unused portions. Take first 1/4 dough and roll out onto a floured surface.

Cut into rectangles using a sharp knife, or a pizza cutter. Be sure to make the rectangles the same size as each piece will need to fit evenly over one another.

Of course, you can pick and choose your own ingredients for your Pop-Tarts.
Be creative!
I decided to use cream cheese and blueberry jam.

Spread jam/ingredients on one half of rectangles (mine look more like squares), leaving half an inch or so on the edges without jam. Cover with the other half and crimp edges with fork. (You might want to dip fork into water to make sure edges become merged.)

Bake at 350 degrees for 12-15 minutes or until pie dough is evenly browned and cooked through. Cool completely and place into ziplock bags for storage until ready to eat. Can be kept for up to 1 week or several weeks if frozen.

Recipe for glaze:

Powdered sugar
Vanilla extract

Mix sugar into milk until desired consistency. Let glaze dry hard before bagging Pop-Tarts.



  1. This is so neat! I can hardly wait to try making some.

  2. I love cream cheese and fruit fillings. I've been wanting to make a fruit strugel like that.
    The other night on the food channel Alton Brown showed how to make pop tarts and all kinds of meat and fruit filled pies. I hate watching his show late at night because it makes me hungry :)
