Friday, July 25, 2008

Heirloom New Zealand Spinach!

New Zealand Spinach

Wow, I couldn't believe my eyes when I checked my mail today. Talk about FAST shipping! I went online and ordered more heirloom seeds Wed, and here it is FRIDAY.

I decided to order the New Zealand Spinach. This spinach is especially hardy in sweltering hot climates and can tolerate drought conditions. It's also a rare variety, so I wanted to pass on the heritage and grow my own each year.

I also ordered a batch of heirloom broccoli, peas, and more lettuce.

My hybrid tomatoes are thriving and doing very well. This will be the last season I grow them as I plan to start fresh heirloom tomatoes. I have several varieties of the Brandywine. I'll probably grow the Brandywines in the front yard until my hybrid tomatoes are past their season. This will prevent any risk of cross pollination.
My hybrid bell peppers are thriving as well. I have two varieties growing.
I have three varieties of heirloom bell peppers started -- the yellow, red, and green peppers. As soon as I feel they're strong enough, I'll be transferring them outdoors.
Heirloom lettuce. I'm hoping to keep batches growing fresh in the greenhouse to add to the varieties of spinach for salads.

Happy gardening!


  1. Some nice looking plants there.. thanks for sharing, I always enjoy looking at peoples gardens.

  2. I love looking at seed catalogs that have rare heirloom seeds.Lovely spinach.
    I see that it will be your birthday soon, so happy birthday!
