Monday, June 9, 2008

Lazy week...

Remember when I posted an update about planting the Morning Glory's?

That was 5 days ago... Well, the picture above was taken (((4))) days after I planted the seeds!

I did a double-take when I was watering the veggies and noticed these had sprouted! I specifically remember planting 4 seedlings in each corner of the pot - sure enough each has sprouted. The package says germination takes between 7 to 21 days! Hah!

I'm starting to wonder if I should plant some beanstalks...

Not too much going on around here except running errands, school work and getting some rest. We did run to the farm Saturday to share a potluck and to say our good-byes to a dear family that we've known for more than 4 years while volunteering at the farm. They're moving to Utah. We will dearly miss them!

Please say a prayer for my brother-in-law Kirby. He's about to have triple bypass surgery tomorrow in Amarillo.

1 comment:

  1. What a shocker those Morning Glories came up that fast. The only thing I can grow this year is algae.
    My spinach still hasn't set on a second leaf and over two weeks ago I planted a sprouting potato and it still hasn't broke ground.
    I'm beginning to wonder whats going on in my neck of the woods.
