Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Growing but thirsty...

Cleome I'm still amazed at how fast everything is growing. Every morning I check the pots and the vegetables have grown, or another plant has bloomed.

Amazingly, we've had very little pest problems in the garden.

Cucumbers are starting to appear.

The bell peppers are really taking off...

Every day we've been in the 90's - with some days reaching 100. It's been nice, the pool has been refreshing, but we really really need the rain. Pamela has been patiently watering the plants every single day without complaint. I'm giving her credit for keeping the garden green and healthy.
We've had little problems maintaining the pool. I've only had to treat the pool with algaecide in April. So far, so good. Even the trees are behaving themselves (not dropping those pesky seeds) -- as you can see, CRYSTAL CLEAR!


  1. Good luck with your veggies!


  2. Hard to believe your plants are so far ahead of mine.. we've had just too much rain and cool weather.
