Friday, May 16, 2008

Back in Time...

Lately, I've been spending most of my Friday's working the farm and doing tours. I switch around a lot on the farm, working where needed --- whether it's the main Bell House, Homestead, or German farm.

Sometimes I'll assist in the general store.

By the way, we are expecting teepees for the Tonkawa site... I've already volunteered to do some of their interpretation... Their history is very interesting.

If I'm not cooking, I'll be catching up on my sewing. My favorite and most relaxing thing to do is HANDSEWING. Currently I have been sewing miniature pantaloons for Barbies and selling these with pioneer dresses and aprons. I've completely sold out on my online stores, but the batch I've just finished are intended for the general store at the farm.

The rooms I spent most of my time in today were the kitchen and the adjacent "sewing" room, with the various looms and spinning wheels.

This is by far the most elegant home on the farm, although most will say they prefer hanging out at the homestead.
Every room has a fireplace. I can only imagine how much firewood it would take to keep this home warm. We go through plenty just to keep the woodstove running.

Pamela's working on pantaloons for her own doll. Girls her age (back in the 1800's) have been sewing for a long time. Girls started sewing with a needle and thread when they were old enough to hold a needle.

Overlooking the front porch...

Trying to get the garden going...
I had three watermelons planted at the farm... So far, they are looking healthy! Oh I hope we have a good crop this year!
The heart of the home... I probably should have packed up my baking goods and fired up the stove today. It was the coolest day this week - 79 degrees. PERFECT day for slaving over a hot woodstove!

We had several school kids arrive on tours and I always get a kick out of their questions. I always ask them if they would like living in the 1800's... I could probably write a book from all the answers I've gotten.

This week, a young boy of about 10-years-old, answered my question about whether he'd like living in the 1800's... He looked around the kitchen and said matter of factly, "NOPE! I like my video games!" Then his eyes swept around the kitchen again and replied, "and there's no Coca Cola!"...

I often wonder about the generation we are raising today...


  1. I could move in there tomorrow and have no problems surviving.. the only thing I'd miss is the AC.

  2. My initials are A.C and I will come to visit from time to time.

  3. You're welcome to visit A.C. but only if you can make the north wind blow cool air in the windows.
