Monday, February 4, 2008

Officially Testing DNA Today!

The test kit has arrived today - FINALLY.

Good to their word, National Geographic shipped on the 30th of January. I had purchased the kit on the 24th, but due to backorders, shipment was delayed. (I've ordered 3 DNA kits from National Geographic and each time they were out of stock/backordered - these kits are POPULAR!)

Since the UPS truck arrived late, I'll do half of the testing tonight, and the rest in the morning.

First I have to wait at least an hour before I take my first specimen. The kit provides 2 cheek scrapers and 2 test tubes of soapy solution. I scrape both sides of the insides of my cheeks 30 seconds each.

Afterwards, I unscrew the lid and gently push the plunger at the top of the applicator stick into the tube - the tip of the scraper falls into the solution -- I tighten the lid and the first bottle is ready!

The first test will be done tonight and I'll take the second test in the morning after 8 hours passes. Repeating the same process and of course, before I have my coffee.

PRESTO! DNA test is ready to be shipped. I sign a consent form (anonymously) stating that I want to test my Y or X chromosome. In my case, I can only test the X chromosome, as I'm a female. National Geographic provides a self-addressed padded envelope to ship the test tubes.

The kit comes with a CD explaining the human genome project along with a colorful booklet and map describing the human migration patterns.

The DNA kit will OFFICIALLY be mailed in the morning - Tuesday, February, 5th.

The kit provides a password to log onto the National Geographic website. From there, I can check daily on the status of my test kit. Not only will I know WHEN they received my kit, but I will have a status report on EACH STAGE of the testing process, isolation, quality control, and FINAL RESULTS.

STAY TUNED for additional updates!

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