Wednesday, February 27, 2008
KNOCK, KNOCK ((Who's there??))
Early in the mornings, I've been hearing a strange knock at the door. Even the cat sits at the door staring. Each time I open the door, nobody is there. This has been going on for the longest time!
This morning I heard the knocking again... and again...
I crept up to the door, and ever so slowly turned the lock. Satisfied that the door was unlocked, I quickly yanked open the door. Suddenly a bird flew from my door wreath. Another bird (the mate?) lurked by and scolded me.
I realized that all that knocking was due to the birds building a nest! If you look at the upper left-hand side of my wreath you can spot the nest!
What a BIRD BRAINED idea to build a nest on my door! Of course, I feel silly too for not noticing it earlier -- not to mention, this explains WHY I kept getting these strange leaves and twigs everywhere each time I opened my door! I kept telling everyone to WIPE YOUR FEET!!
Geesh, I wonder if those silly birds would have layed their eggs. Would have been a matter of time before those eggs had fallen.
Our trees are budding green, and flowers everywhere are peeking their heads. Spring is in the air!
How cute of the birds.. but then I know its not a good idea to have them there with the door swinging back and forth but you can't blame them for liking someplace pretty to build a nest :)