Thursday, January 24, 2008

Testing my X

Today I have ordered a DNA testing kit from the National Geographic Genome project. The total of this kit, including shipping comes to $107.00 - currently these kits are on backorder, so I don't expect my kit to be shipped until January 30th.

This will be the first time I’ve tested my own DNA. My brother has already tested his Y-Chromosome – linking our paternal heritage to be J1 CMH – Jewish middle-eastern descent.

Testing my X chromosome – mitochondrial will shed further light on my ancestral maternal side. So far, I know I am part German on my mother’s side, but this is inherited through her father, my grandfather. My DNA test will reveal solely the migration patterns of my female ancestors. My mother, my sisters, my niece, and my daughter each have inherited these same markers, and will each pass them down to their own female descendents as well.

The best part of the genome project is that (upon consent) our DNA results are added to the Family Tree DNA database. Through this medium a person can literally email distant cousins who share the same DNA markers! Family Tree DNA will send emails every time a match is added to the database! This is a very invaluable tool for those of us who are trying to complete our family tree!

Also, the National Geographic Genome Project is an ONGOING research tool that constantly adds as new information is discovered. Each person tested receives a password and can check the National Geographic website for updates.

My husband has already tested both his paternal and maternal DNA and his results have been posted on this blog along with my father’s migration patterns.

STAY TUNED for updates on my DNA test!

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