Saturday, January 19, 2008

Memory Quilt!

(click photo for enlargement)

This past Christmas, my sister surprised the entire family by creating MEMORY QUILTS for each 5 siblings and our mother! What an awesome gift and something that can be cherished and passed down from generation to generation!

This is a very unique photo quilt that my sister was able to create by printing photos of our ancestors onto fabric, and printing this out from a printer! WOW!

Each photo has a caption of their name... Since the quilt was presented to each sibling, the caption holds the name as we would call each ancestor.... Mom, Grandma, Aunt Ruth, Grandpa Groat, etc.

This is truly an amazing gift, and I can't thank my sister enough. There is a lot to be said for handmade gifts. This quilt has given me many exciting ideas and possibilities on how to create and design around photos! If you would like to visit my sister's website, you can visit my SIBLING INTRODUCTION here on this blog. I've included links to each of my sister's and my brother.

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